Music Go Round Your Guide To Digital Grand Pianos

Music Go Round is a renowned retailer of musical instruments that offers a wide range of options for musicians of all skill levels. From guitars to drums, keyboards to brass instruments, they have it all. One particular category that has gained significant popularity in recent years is digital grand pianos.

The Rise of Digital Grand Pianos

Traditional grand pianos have long been regarded as the epitome of elegance and high-quality sound. However, the advent of digital technology has revolutionized the music industry, introducing new possibilities for both beginners and professionals alike.

Digital grand pianos offer numerous advantages over their acoustic counterparts. Firstly, they are significantly more affordable, making them accessible to a wider audience. Traditional grand pianos often come with a hefty price tag due to the complex construction and high-quality materials used. Digital grand pianos, on the other hand, can replicate the sound and feel of an acoustic grand piano at a fraction of the cost.

Another benefit of digital grand pianos is their versatility. They come equipped with a wide range of features, including built-in metronomes, recording capabilities, and various instrument sounds. This allows musicians to experiment with different tones and styles, enabling them to bring their creativity to life in new and exciting ways.

Choosing the Right Digital Grand Piano

With numerous options available in the market, it’s essential to consider a few factors when choosing a digital grand piano:

  1. Sound Quality: Look for a piano that offers realistic sound samples of an acoustic grand piano. Quality speakers and advanced sound technology are essential for an immersive playing experience.
  2. Key Action: Pay attention to the key action and ensure it accurately emulates the touch and response of a traditional grand piano. Weighted keys with graded hammer action are ideal.
  3. Polyphony: Digital pianos with higher polyphony allow for more complex pieces to be played without any notes dropping out. Look for a minimum of 128-note polyphony.
  4. Features: Consider the additional features offered, such as different instrument sounds, recording and playback functions, connectivity options, and learning tools.
  5. Brand Reputation: Research reputable brands known for producing high-quality digital pianos. Brands like Yamaha, Roland, and Kawai are often recommended.

Benefits for Musicians

For musicians, digital grand pianos offer immense benefits. They provide a space-saving alternative to large acoustic grand pianos, making them suitable for smaller living spaces, studios, or venues. Digital grand pianos can be easily transported to gigs and performances, eliminating the hassle and expense of moving a traditional grand piano.

Furthermore, digital grand pianos feature adjustable volume control and the ability to practice silently using headphones. This allows musicians to practice at any time without disturbing others, making them ideal for late-night or early morning practice sessions.

Finally, digital grand pianos offer various educational tools, including built-in lessons, tutorials, and apps that can assist beginners in learning to play the piano. These tools can enhance the learning experience and provide valuable feedback to help musicians improve their skills.


Music Go Round is your one-stop-shop for all your musical instrument needs. Whether you’re a professional pianist or a budding musician, digital grand pianos provide a cost-effective and versatile solution without compromising on sound quality and playability. Explore the wide range of options available at Music Go Round and find the perfect digital grand piano to take your music journey to new heights.